Quote Originally Posted by rax View Post
Oh yeah, totally just some minor changes to the timeline...
Relatively speaking, of course. As wham lines go, I was rather pleased with that one.

In terms of the game, all the big changes to the setting happened either a really long time ago, or to places you're unlikely to visit, or both. There was a fine line to walk here between making what you did meaningful, and not invalidating previous things you had also done and/or making the setting completely unrecognisable. All the previous adventures you had still happened, your assets and friends and so forth stay in place, and while there might be a few minor differences (and I now have a convenient excuse in case I ever forget about something, hah) broadly I wanted things to maintain parity. But I also wanted an appropriate payoff for the gauntlet I just put you through.

To recap:
- You accepted a quest to go to an absurdly haunted planet and poke it with a stick.
- On the way, you accidentally activated a Thousand Sons relic, summoning the Heresy-Era version of Ahzek Ahriman, who got into a fight with the modern version of himself on board your ship.
- You took exception to this and decided to also fight Modern Ahriman. After the fight, you found out who Heresy-Era Ahriman was, and immediately armed him with considerable knowledge of events he hadn't experienced yet just to see what he would do with it.
- He was understandably upset to learn that his Legion had fallen to Chaos, and vowed to put a stop to this given the chance. You decided this was a capital idea, and offered to help him see it through.
- Upon arriving on the haunted planet, you poked it with a stick and discovered it was indeed super haunted for realsies. Investigating further, you learned this was because the center of the planet was a warp-corrupted Eldar future prediction device turned time machine.
- Deciding that this absolutely could not in any way stand, you kicked in the door and challenged a Keeper of Secrets to come have a go if it thought it was hard enough.
- it was not hard enough
- With the daemon vanquished, you turned over the time machine to Heresy-Era Ahriman and did everything in your power to make sure it worked the way he wanted it to.

I think that level of dedication to the madness deserves some sort of payoff.