Prince Doredan
Human Martial Bard 5
AC: 14+0 HP: 34/33+5 thp: 6
PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit or if hit while at 12 hit points or less (1/encounter)
Pizza Power: Advantage on a Str or Con check until next long rest
Savtuan Dream: 1/1 /LR, add Int, Wis or Cha to a physical check, attack or damage roll (before the roll is made)

Kneeling with the others on the outskirts of this primitive village, Doredan looks less than pleased to be crouching in the soggy swamp. "Well... they have language," he observes, generously, the bellowing calls of the reptiles. "I certainly do not speak it. If none of us have magic to facilitate communication..." he rubs his chin. "The increasing number of fey in Wissimvale led me to study Sylvan. If they have a druid or shaman, perhaps he too knows this tongue. I could make the attempt."