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    Titan in the Playground
    Draconi Redfir's Avatar

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    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Completely Inconsequential Hot-Takes 2: People Take Too Long to Post New Threads

    on the one hand, i didn't think about that.

    on the other hand, i want to disagree on that notion, Perhaps it's less "the scourge will win" and more "The scourge will cause unchecked chaos". On their own, the scourge would tear apart every living thing in the world, decimate ecosystems, kill innocent civilians without meaning, flee from soldiers due to them being a higher threat, and basically kill everything that can't defend itself.

    Whereas Arthas aimed for the opposite. Being more tactical and trying to take out his opponent's military first, while using tactics like sabotage and cults to weaken or distract them behind enemy lines. he wasn't trying to kill every squirrel in the woods, he was aiming for the armed garrison in it. the squirrels just got affected by the general plague instead of being outright eaten.
    Last edited by Draconi Redfir; 2023-12-12 at 06:57 PM.
    Avy by Thormag