Quote Originally Posted by Charybdis1618 View Post
If you want something throwable, so you can use your ranged attack, you can give me a Perception check to keep looking. I assume Yume's weapons are compact enough for her to have them ready to hand.
Sarah makes a quick search around the room for something more useful than the knife.
Spoiler: Perception
Though I don't think that matters since her ranged attack bonus is archery specific - (1d20+10)[11]

Quote Originally Posted by Charybdis1618 View Post
Not only is there an air duct, for all intents and purposes there are all the air ducts! You can tell from a diagram posted nearby that the massive motors here drive the ducts that provide ventilation to the entire building. The intake vents are nearby, their filter banks visible on the wall. The exhaust stacks are on the roof. Their filter banks are accessible from the top floor, it seems.
Sarah looks over the diagram. She was hardly an HVAC technician, but she'd seen enough diagrams in her life to be able to at least make heads and tails of it. Lief had run into something near the observation room... This central duct is connected to the furnace and so would be way too hot for anything without an affinity to fire...
Not gonna ask you to draw a whole diagram of the layout, but would she be able to narrow down a section of the hospital that the creature would be more likely to hang around? Most duct systems are roughly tree-like in shape, so narrowing it down to a wing is probably the best she could do. Or any other areas that the ducts run through that seem like places nobody would usually go that would hence make a good hiding place, in case it doesn't actually hide in the ducts?

<Miss Yume, I do believe this creature is one of your region's youkai. I am curious,> Sarah asks as she looks over the diagram, <know you anything about baku that might assist us in this endeavor? Whether they are cooperative with humans, perhaps? I found the doctor's behavior earlier today to be rather unusual, but whether that was out of secrecy or he himself being a victim is difficult for me to say.>