Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
Other type of gremlin, they are super important for some reason so cant be gotten rid of. Take House for example. Dude is an absolute dumpster fire of a human being. Just... just the worst. Even his own friends hate him from time to time. But you cant get rid of him because he is basically THE doctor in his field and putting up with his personality is the price you have to pay for getting the stephen hawking of diagnosticians on your staff. He does at least get a comeuppance every once in awhile, but even then its rare and not often a total loss.
House MD is Insufferable Genius, which is a very common trope. The thing about House, and similar insufferable geniuses in medical shows, detective shows, and any show in which 'hacking' plays a prominent role, is that they have skills that are essential to meeting the objectives plots in such stories demand, and if those objective are not met Bad Stuff happens and said bad stuff is always something worse than a few hurt feelings, most often patient death, murderers getting away with it, or in some cases the universe itself coming to an end.

Questionable Content, beyond being a sitcom-y series in which everything is frozen in character stasis such that bad stuff will basically never happen, the comic is 20 years old and basically none of the negative major events that have happened in the real world have occurred in-comic, has also specifically introduced Liz in such away that makes it absolutely clear she's not important to anything, because the world literally forget about her existence for two whole years and nothing happened.

Quote Originally Posted by Beelzebub1111
But, (In the early seasons) they don't too often make you feel bad for Dr. House when bad things happen to him. The bad things that happen to him are all his fault, the good things that happen to him are because of his actions. The Leg pain wasn't his, but the management of the pain and the problems that arise from it all arise from that are all on him.
Yeah. The Insufferable Genius is not generally intended to be a sympathetic character, at least when introduced - it is common to have them reveal a tragic backstory later on - and I don't think Liz, who was initially introduced trying to sabotage Claire becoming the Librarian for entirely selfish reasons, was intended to be sympathetic. However, there was the huge problem that Liz went to Cubetown as a child and therefore what happened to her probably qualifies as criminal neglect and consequently acquired a lot of sympathy that a properly adult (and a character drawn like a proper adult as opposed to a twelve year old) would not have received.

In-comic, Claire seems to have realized this. Liz does need help. However, she does not need Claire and Marten's help. Insofar as she needs help becoming a functional adult, she already has parents for that.