I wish Jeph would stop flipping the perspective of the room he's depicting.

Characters enter Union Robotics from the door on camera-right. Having Liz run out of the room camera-left makes it looks like Liz had to run TOWARDS Faye and pass by her, instead of running AWAY from the scary angry person, just to... what, show off the empty grey concrete wall in the background?

Well, no; it's so that he can just plonk speech bubbles in the air, left to right, without thinking about it rather than start with Claire (camera right), Marten answer (camera left) then Faye snark (camera right again).

In other words, I'd like him to plan his comic out more than 3 days at a time, so that he knows where Marten needs to stand in order to be immediately beside Claire when she returns. Or just have Marten make to follow Claire in today's panel 1, so that he ends up camera-right but stops in front of Claire. Have him say a performative "Liz, wait-..." if you like, so we can pretend that Marten gives a **** about anything, perhaps.