R2T10: This time, Phaevin is bothered by the flies all about him and partially distracted. He calls down into the hole. "Aasgar, are you okay? If you are okay, roll off of the lily pad so others can use it!"

He continues to skillfully high step like Aasgar did to keep the vegetation from ensnaring him.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

Galakhar fights off the flies, but otherwise delays, keeping himself from being ensnared.

R3T20: Abenor delays ...

R3T16: Ivilva delays ...

R3T15: Cici continues, getting onto the stairs just above the far platform.

R3T12: Aasgar, the dragonfly zooms into view as it charges you! It bites the dwarf in the upper left arm for 9 mod + grab!

R3T11: Aasgar, you are currently being grappled by the big blue dragonfly (and prone). What do you do?

Phaevin on deck, Cici in the hole ...