Quote Originally Posted by Batcathat View Post
If you want something light-hearted, I am quite fond of My dad wrote a porno. The basic concept is that one of the hosts learned that his father had self-published a series of erotic novels of... questionable quality, so after presumably dying a little inside, he decided to start a podcast with two of his friends where they read and discuss the books. I'm not usually very into MSTing stuff, but I really like this one for some reason, I think a big part of it is the hosts' chemistry. (Oh, and if anyone is feeling bad for the titular dad, he apparently loves the podcast and while he don't really understand why people think it's so funny, he's proud that the books have gotten so popular.)
One of the best aspects is how the dad fully believes they are well-written and cannot be disabused of this notion. My wife and i used to put it on when we went to Louisiana. Went through I think book 3, can't remember why we stopped. Probably slipped our minds until now.

We got up to her being a spy. I think I heard something about her eventually becoming president of the United States? Really should continue the series.