Kelly didn't really respond to Abioye's presence other than just noticing it. Not really any surprise she'd be here. Her streamer of rainbow light was only just fading away from her starting point when it came looping back around and ended with her standing by Charlie. "Everything looks clear ahead!" Kelly reported cheerily, not qualifying the statement with any commentary on the probability of her actually noticing anything because for these purposes at least Kelly's lack of awareness very much included a lack of self-awareness. Maybe one day she would be deceived, ambushed, and otherwise surprised enough to actually realize that she was not good at paying attention, but for now she felt entirely confident that running up and down the planned route at super-speed and scoping the whole thing out in a matter of seconds should be more than sufficient to detect any possible traps! "Although I only ran the planned route itself, so we can't rule out the possibility of an approach from a distance via superpowered movement modes. So we should stay alert nonetheless!" To be fair inattentive did not mean stupid.

Let's throw a Well Informed check up regarding Isabela Abioye just in case. Using Persuasion since Well Informed lets you do that, but since she's not actually interacting with a character her Limit obviously can't possibly apply: (1d20+15)[20].