"Alert, got it." Charlie nodded at the brightly coloured and suddenly appearing Kelly, or really Streamer because they were on the job (I wonder if anyone's ever been disappointed by Kelly's internet presence?) "Something doesn't add up about the transport, give me a sec."

Without any elaboration she left Kelly and marched towards one of the robots "Hey tin man, these vans are all electric right?" Of course if they gave her some credible reason why they weren't, she'd drop it and return back to where she had been next to her parole officer but otherwise she was going to make with the obvious follow up question "Then why do they do they reek of gas?"

Normally this would be the part where she would start cracking her knuckles and very much trying to impress her height difference on the subject of her questioning (unless the robots were huge obviously), she'd done it a million times before, heck her and Kelly Streamer would probably make a pretty good good cop/bad cop duo but as far as she was concerned trying that stuff here was going to be about as useful as threatening a can opener.