Kelly kinda tried not to grin when Envoy explained what the mindlink was. I mean, she got it, good thing to do when linking to people you haven't mindlinked before. Having fairly extensive experience with telepathic communication thanks to her sister, though, she found it amusing. ~Awesome, thanks!~ she sent back. ~Oh, I'm Kelly by the way! Or Streamer, whichever works. Nice to meet you guys like, for real, and all!~

Some ado was being made about the van smelling of gas, which she supposed was a bit weird if it was supposed to be fully electric vehicles, although she did kinda blink Elita's way when she suggested it meant that the robots were somewhere between useless and hostile, the prisoner was fully powered, and the whole thing was possibly a setup to make them look bad. That was... ~I mean...okay yeah that might be a touch paranoid but it's okay because it's better to prepare for the worst than just assume everything will go well! It's just, um, why is the gas a problem, exactly?~ Larsson was an electronics company sure but as far as Kelly knew there was no reason they couldn't use regular gas-powered vehicles like anybody else, and she was pretty sure it was the magic suppression rather than a lack of fossil fuels that was supposed to prevent Bacchan from getting up to any shenanigans.

...That being said, if Bacchan could go from "something something technically composed of biomass millions of years dead" to "animating a giant oil zombie in the shape of a tyrannosaurus rex" Kelly would be forced to rethink her knee-jerk distaste for necromancy.