Self-loathing is rarely a compelling character trait for me.

When it does work, it's often because I'm already invested in the character and I care about their emotional state. Often (but not always) it's more successful when the self-loathing is internalized, and you only piece together how much the character hates themselves after the clues have piled up (spoiler example: Catra from S3-S5 She-Ra).

But Liz has done basically nothing to make me like her. Pity her? Sure, I guess, she had a bad two years due to bureaucracy/oversight. But that doesn't make her likeable, and immediately turning to screaming insults at yourself doesn't undo the bad things you just did. In fact, I give people like that in real life a wide berth -- there are few things more unpredictable and unpleasant than a jerk who immediately retreats into a vocal pity party when confronted.

TL;DR can we please move on from this scene