Mutants are a bit of a grey area, if I recall the lore correctly. They can be completely beyond the pale on some worlds, but also an acceptable labour force on others. Since Underhivers aren't allowed to wander freely about the Hive, it seems very likely that the same would apply to any visible mutants, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they couldn't be employed in certain roles with the right licenses (or whatever).

Since the Star Guard people seemed unconcerned that they were working alongside mutants, it may be that they have legal cover for doing so. If that's the case, alerting Arbitrator Godwyn may not have the desired effect. I suggest we finish interrogating Drimmle, then head back to base and lay out the situation to the Interrogator to hear whether he thinks we should involve Godwyn or not.

Is there some knowledge skill Hound could roll for to see if he knows anything about regulations concerning employing mutants?