Quote Originally Posted by DasIrrlicht View Post
The Pokémon series always had Witches, Magic, Psychics, Ghosts, some guy called Natural Harmonia Gropius, Possession, Aura, multiple cases of people being turned into Pokémon (temporary) and whatever the docens of ancient civilisations pulled of.
Heh. I know Pokemon itself isn't that distant from supernatural elements. I was just thinking about the type of game/story we were going to be telling. I know not a League Romp, and I'm certainly not opposed to some mysticism. I just didn't know if it was going to be to the forefront of matters.

Quote Originally Posted by Volthawk View Post
Oh, I forgot to mention concepts earlier. With ton going trainer combat heavy and Kuro seeming to lean more supportive, I'm currently leaning towards just going with someone more focused on the leading Pokemon side of thing - probably a case where they started out with Pokemon a little before before the crisis but only now has enough freedom of movement and backup to try to do something about it all.
I'm curious if you'll be mixing your personality with this leader-ish sounding trainer. DasIrrlicht did want us to contemplate how our trainers would interact to help us hopefully sidestep the "meet and greet", and I'll admit I'd been just as curious about how they'd mesh as people as much as mechanically, if only because I was feeling pretty open about that last one myself...

Quote Originally Posted by tonberryking View Post
I’m still surprised we don’t have what is essentially a werepokemon class, to be honest.
I'm pretty sure that's because, aside from just getting tired of trying to put all those ideas into mechancis anyway (which is why the PTU Devs let the system set and switched to working on something more rules light), they also weren't as big a fan of some of the different types of magic anyway. Could be putting words in their moves, but some of the potential warnings and restrictions on the few Supernatural Classes that are in the base game between editions mad me thinking that way.
I do swear I remember hearing that they'd actively voiced such concerns with how such classes tend to pull more narrative focus, let alone tend to be flashier mechanically, than others.

But yeah, if I remember right, hadn't official support technically dried up part way through Gen 7, if not the start of Gen 8 as it is, from the PTU Devs? It's definitely up to players to do any of that sort of thing now...