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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Cataclysm (AD&D Ravenloft -> PF1 Conversion) INC Thread

    As the party passes through the double doors they find a hallway lined with cells. Bars line the edges of the cells giving an open air model so you can see all the way to the back of the cell and into its adjacent neighbor.

    The hall is segmented by barred sections to prevent even the guards from moving unsecured through the jail. Once you reach the furthest you can go, next to the furthest bar door, behind you a bar begins to slide down from the ceiling, preventing your immediate exit, while the door slides down, you can hear mechanical cranking as gears are rotated. Once the rear door is down, the forward door is raised, and you are able to move to the next section.

    This process is repeated 4 more times as you make two left turns to the furthest cell in the far back of the jail, the most secure area with the most bars preventing the escape of Jaconos Hanabara.

    Turning that second left gives you insight of what the situation is. As the last portcullis opens before you with a creak of turning gears, you begin to feel an awareness that something is watching you. The door on the last cell has been torn open by some great force. Several of its bars are bent and twisted, as if someone had taken a great hammer to them, and it dangles upon only one of its three hinges. Many deep, parallel gouges are carved into the wooden furniture, making it look as if someone had slashed it repeatedly with a very sharp knife.

    As you peer into the pitch black cell two evil yellow gleaming eyes look back at you. The hair on the back of your neck stands up as you realize the eyes are too far apart and round to belong to any human. From this seemingly endless patch of dark- ness, a guttural growl issues forth to fill the room. Faster than your eyes can follow, a huge grey wolf-like creature springs forward and attacks one of the two guards between you. There is murder in its eyes and blood on its claws.

    [Roll initiative in OCC]
    Last edited by Darius Vibrtrar; 2024-01-10 at 09:36 PM.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.