Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
Patrick nods his head sheepishly, and waits.


Anna gets Rachel's message via The Pulse:

"Jesus," Julian says again, though this time with a bit of a chuckle, "Well make sure Tony gives us some decent firepower at least." His use of "us" is not missed on Anna.
Anna Wu

“I’ll impress upon him the serious consequences of failure,” Anna said, “we’ll get him to bring whatever he has. I’ll message you with details… see you soon?”

After her conversation with Julian, she rejoins the others and receives a message on her phone, then stares at it in disbelief.

“‘Let me know if you need anything?’ Honestly, why isn’t she already here…?” she said.

She replied to Rachel.
“Yes, come to the Prince’s haven,” she texted back, “we’ll fill you in when you arrive.”