"Will do," Patrick says with a soft smile. Was there still a sadness behind his eyes?He squeezes Rachel's hand one more time, then half-standing up from his stool, leans over to kiss her once on the cheek. "Have a good night. Stay safe," he says, before indicating that he is going to stay to finish her drink, though he offers to pay any tab that she opened.

As Rachel gets ready to leave, the weight of the night's events fill her head. So much had happened the night before, and there was still so much to do tonight. She gathers her things and starts to head out of the bar, to leave the hotel lobby. However, as she begins to walk, Rachel's eyes are immediately drawn to a pair at a table near the bar's entrance. Seated facing away from her is a young woman, with long brown hair and a slim figure hidden by an oversized green jacket. Rachel recognizes the mortal immediately as the mortal librarian whom she could never seem to stop thinking about. Lucy Fisher worked at the University, and probably thought of Rachel as a friend and fellow night-owl, but this girl was so much more to Rachel. Deep down, Rachel recognized herself in Lucy, or at least whom she had once been. She had vowed to help the Lucy along however she could, somehow believing that if Lucy had succeeded where Rachel's life had stopped, everything, or maybe something would be better.

And here she was, Lucy was sitting at this same bar, completely unaware of Rachel. The vampire could smell her from across the room; her perfume, her skin, her blood. And seated across from her was Victor, the cocky Dragon ally of Anna's. He was dressed in a dark blue suit, and a white poplin shirt with a high collar left unbuttoned at he top. He was talking to Lucy, grinning, until his eyes locked with Rachel's

(OOC: Yep, it's Rachel's touchstone!)

************************************************** ***************

Tony thinks on Anna's idea, and as he does his countence darkens. He opens his mouth to speak, but the thought fades into a sneer. Finally he says, "Very well. I have an idea. We will use my Sire's limousine as bait. I and some of our best Ghouls will take the car first to SFO, then to Opera House. You can have the rest of our security force. Should be about eight guns and all if I take Carlos and Ed with me."