Kharesh Hammerfist, dwarven monk

Kharesh arrived with the others, bowing his head to their hosts as he offered Zetath and Sofh a small crystalline vase filled with several desert flowers he purchased earlier. "You honor us." He was fairly quiet during the dining, typically offering a small nod of thanks or acknowledgment as the meal continued on. Once the meal was done, he let his companions speak first, only raising an eyebrow at the metal-man's comments about an adversary. When there seemed to be some uncertainty of finding a suitable translator for the book, he cleared his throat and spoke quietly. "We should look for another option ... maybe away from Katapesh."

He was intrigued by the tale of a lost tomb, less by the idea of looting such a place, but more of the possibilities of what challenges might lie within. To be hidden by such a puzzle suggested additional challenges to anyone inclinded to test their mettle against the defenses of the tomb. "You honor us again with this gift. I will go."

OOC - Not sure how much a vase/flowers would cost, but Kharesh certainly wouldn't skimp ... presuming bringing such a gift makes sense.

Effects / Status / Conditions: Battle Medicine used on self; Darkvision; Mystic Strikes (unarmed attacks are magical); Ancient Blooded Dwarf (+1 save vs magic); Cat Fall (falls are 10’ less)

Spoiler: Crunch& Status
AC: 19 (21) HP 46 Initiative +7
Saves: Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +9 Per +7 / Move 30’
Abilities: Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 8 DC 18
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Athletics +9, Warfare Lore +5, Religion +7, Stealth +7, Pahmet Lore +5
Abilities: Call on Ancient Blood (prior to rolling a save vs magical effect, add +1 [circ]); Flurry of blows (make two strikes for 1 action [flourish]); Stunning blow (If attacking same target twice, DC 19 Fort save or stunned 1 round) Mountain stance (see below); Darkvision; Dwarven Weapon Familiarity; Cat Fall (treat falls as 10' shorter); Battle Medicine (Treat wounds in combat)
Stance: Mountain (+4 AC, +2 vs Shove/Trip, +0 Max Dex, -5 ft move; Falling Stone are only Strikes useable in stance)
Combat: Axe (+9 / 1d8S+4 / sweep); Clan Dagger (+9 / 1d4P+4 / agile, dwarf, parry, uncommon, versatile B); Unarmed w/wraps (+10 / 1d6B+4 / agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed); Falling Stone w/wraps (+10 / 1d8B+4 / forceful, nonlethal, unarmed)
Money: 8 gp 1 sp 6 cp