Quote Originally Posted by Shining Wrath View Post
Man oh man, I had forgotten that scene. Possible ways forward for Bang:
1) Defeat Zeetha in a non-lethal way, call that satisfaction of her oath.
2) Try to make it look like an accident, when Tarvek already knows what's up.
3) Ally with someone powerful enough to protect her from Agatha, and do so without Tarvek knowing.
4) Kill Zeetha, accept death.
5) Kill Zeetha, try to take out Agatha.
We've had mixed signals.
1. Bang is expecting to get killed by confronting Zeetha. https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/com...?date=20181026
2. Bang may be having second thoughts. https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/com...?date=20201002

Quote Originally Posted by Shining Wrath View Post
Not to mention that she doesn't seem to know who Higgs is or what he's capable of doing. Would you like a near-immortal unstoppable elite fighter who can call on Jager allies, to want you dead?
Bang definitely knows Higgs can fight, as he spent some time with Gil and Bang during the 2.5-year mirror jump doing just that. For one example: https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/com...?date=20131125