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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Default Re: Negative LA-Assignment : Resurrection, but no diamond here


    Remember to feed your Kuldurath. An all-knight regime is not good for their well-being.

    - That's no ordinary rabbit! That's the most foul, cruel and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! It has a kill streak that's a mile long!! It's got huge sharp teeth, it can leap about... Look at the bones!
    "Right! Silly little bleeder. One rodent stew coming up... AAAAH! It's got me!!"
    - I warned you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you knew it all, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it? Well, it's always the same. I always tell them--
    " Kill it! Please! Kill the rat! Kill the rat! Kiltherat! Kildarat! Kildu... Kuldarath, Kuldurath, Kulduraaaaaaa.... "
    (Reenactment of the events leading to the naming of the new breed of giant rabbits now used as mounts for the Rilmani knights of Concordant Opposition)

    The Kuldurath is described as a bunny-shaped rhinoceros with no horn and boar tusks. That's a whole thing. They are a seemingly naturally occuring species of magical beasts in the Outlands (the true neutral plane), and their affinity with electricity, immunity to fear effects as well as the ability to somehow share the spells affecting their rider made them perfect mounts for the ferrumach (a kind of Rilmani, the neutral exemplars). They only appeared in 3e, which is both a shame and unsurprising. Not enough personality by themselves as they really only exist as mounts, and since 5e Rilmani lost their fear aura, there was no reason to give them specifically mounts immune to mind-affecting effects.

    Fortunately, that last point (along with decent physical stats) actually makes them pretty good PCs, though dependant on the rest of the party for its most original ability. Sharing the DR, energy resistances and the effect of all Personal spells on their rider is actually pretty cool, if only to have a gish on top of you casting True Strike, Bladeweave and Wraithstrike just before you ubercharge the opponent to oblivion. But it's also useful to share True Seeing, Bite of the WereX (gish are your friends), Blinding Beauty just before your date, to gain twice as many questions from Contact other Planes with no risk, and for the hilarity that is a wizard under the effects of Alter Self trying to mount you. Of course, the problem is that your resident wizard will rarely accept to come with you in melee, because they are a squishy little ball of cotton candy that does not like either the blades of your enemies or your own electricity aura (this ability goes only one way, you do not impart your electricity immunity to your rider). Thus, Share Defenses will be, at best, unreliable, and at worst completely irrelevant. But if you have a Duskblade cohort, on the other hand....

    - 9 RHD Large Extraplanar Magical Beast
    - +10 Str, +8 Con, -6 Int, +4 Wis, +6 NA. Oooh, that is very bad. Worse stats than a Dire Boar does not bode well.
    - One gore with Powerful Charge, two secondary kicks. Decent damage, but no way to do iteratives is sad.
    - 60ft speed, 30ft climb. Not sure why a rhino-bunny can climb, but sure, that speed is solid.
    - Trample, electricity aura (3/day, 2d6 electricity to all creatures in a 30ft radius as a free action. Even at will, that would be underwhelming)
    - Immune to electricity and mind-affecting effects, Share Defenses with the rider.
    - No racial bonus to Jump checks, seriously?

    Full BAB is good, stats are bad, abilities are C minus. You'll spend a lot of time trying to make it work, and it will be funny, but it will not be strong. 5 RHD, DLA-3
    Next time, the elemental that is 33% air, 33% fire, 33% evil, and about 40% superfluous hit dice, it's the living holocaust ! (Now WW2-jokes free, for your convenience!)
    Last edited by Beni-Kujaku; 2024-01-26 at 07:28 PM.
    Resurrecting the Negative LA thread, comments and discussion are very welcome!
    Nice find! Have a cookie!
    Do you want to build monstrous characters with reasonable LA? Join the Monster Mash! Currently, round XII: One-Punch Monster!!! Come judge single-strike entries!
    Quote Originally Posted by H_H_F_F View Post
    3.5 allows you to optimize into godhood, yes, but far more importantly, it lets you optimize weak, weird, and niche options into relevance.