Rachel watches from outside as Victor finally puts the phone away, staying in the shadows and out of view of the two inside. The two remain inside, continuing their date. At first it seems like the atmosphere of the date has soured, but slowly the two fall back into what appears to be at least pleasant conversation. They remain talking for almost another hour.

Finally the two get up from their table and walk out of the bar. Rachel is forced to slink farther into the shadows, moving around the side of the building to remain hidden. From around the corner though she can hear their conversation. Victor comments on how it was a lovely evening, and Lucy agrees, telling him she would love to do it again some time. But when Victor invites her back to his place, she politely declines, and with an uncomfortable attempt at kindness offers that maybe another night would be better.

Rachel can hear as the two depart, and Lucy foot steps (heeled boots clopping on the sidewalk) draw closer as she walks down the side of the building, past Rachel's hiding place.

(OOC: Won't wrap it up yet unless you want to)

************************************************** ***

It's a man who picks up Karl's phone call, his voice low and tired sounding. But when Karl says he "has a special problem and need 'the works'," the man's voice rises with surprise. "I see," the man says wearily, "well in that case, I can be there in a little under an hour. I'll need a road large enough for a trailer, so I hope your home isn't on a small residential street." He lets the implication hang for a second before asking, "Where should I meet you then?"