Got bored of grinding FE Warriors, so I brought out Advance Wars 1+2 and have been doing War Room maps and the occasional Predeployed versus mode map. Much as I enjoy the game, I have to admit, the larger War Room maps are really a drag a lot of the time. They just end up taking so danged long to play, and the AI is usually handed such a big advantage in economy and position at the start that it becomes incredibly obvious you can only win because they're making stupid decisions. Which I mean, yeah, with the AI in these games being what it is compensating for it to make it a challenge is a good idea, it's just that after a certain point they've thrown so much to them that it becomes too obvious you'd be screwed if they didn't suck at the game and detracts from the experience, you know? Still, at least there's plenty that aren't like that, but boy does it make me not want to do the ones that are.

And in Granblue, having finished trying everyone I finally just settled into playing my main, Belial, for a while, and today managed to get him up to S+ rank! Was quite the challenge and I wound up learning a lot of little details with him I wouldn't have expected to in order to pull it off, so feels good. Rather than just trying to keep going higher and higher with him though, I'm thinking I'll move over to other characters I like and try to take them to S+ next. Not sure who first - maybe Grimnir since he's my second favorite, maybe Zeta since it's been the longest since I played her, maybe someone else (I am tempted to go right to Cagliostro, Anre, or Eustace, since they're more off the beaten path for me).