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    Titan in the Playground
    Rynjin's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: What Are You Playing: 9 Years since the Last Dragon Age

    Fane is the obvious pick for "who should I be?" if this is your second run and you didn't play Fane the first time. And I think you can fit every Origin in your party if you want, right?

    Lohse is a good second pick for PC. I played a Fane/Lohse Lone Wolf party once that was very fun.

    Edit: Doublechecked, apparently D:OS2 is 4 characters without mods, not 6. I'm partial to Ifan as the 3rd slot myself, with the 4th slot being a tossup between Sybille and The Red Prince. I always found Beast kinda boring TBH.
    Last edited by Rynjin; 2024-02-02 at 02:30 AM.