Quote Originally Posted by LibraryOgre View Post
Got a bit tired of BG2 in the Underdark, and I found a mod that lets you assign your background skills (so no more overlap between half-orc and Haunted One background), so I started again... again.

Still tooling around Act 1. I haven't hit Waukeen's Rest or the Absolute's Fortress, yet, but chugging along.

As I'm tooling around the ruined village, though, I keep thinking "You know what? The tieflings could have done worse than to set up in this village, at least for a while, once I've killed the goblins." They'd hardly be in worse shape than they were in the Grove, and the grove would be right there for trade and aid.
(I assume you meant BG3 here)

Yeah I hate the Haunted One skills too. I found a similar mod but it just adds skills, so Haunted One picked up Stealth and Sleight of Hand, skills I usually want on my Durge anyway.