Quote Originally Posted by Rynjin View Post
Fane is the obvious pick for "who should I be?" if this is your second run and you didn't play Fane the first time. And I think you can fit every Origin in your party if you want, right?

Lohse is a good second pick for PC. I played a Fane/Lohse Lone Wolf party once that was very fun.

Edit: Doublechecked, apparently D:OS2 is 4 characters without mods, not 6. I'm partial to Ifan as the 3rd slot myself, with the 4th slot being a tossup between Sybille and The Red Prince. I always found Beast kinda boring TBH.
For DOS2 I usually recommend an OC for the first run along with Fane, Sebille, and Lohse, since those three have the most interesting storylines and suffer the most from the player taking them over. Then on a second playthrough you grab either Fane or Lohse and take Red Prince, Ifan, and Beast.

The two best things BG3 did were to provide you with a character designed to be a PC with the Dark Urge, and to allow you to take the full roster along with you so you can swap out the characters as needed and bring them along on quests which impact their personal story.