Quote Originally Posted by TheNecrocomicon View Post
To me, the current sort of sequence cements to me the spectrum of adventuring parties we've seen in the webcomic.

The OotS needs no introduction as the protagonists and are generally good in their actions and aims, forever balancing saving the world with saving and helping anyone they can along the way.

The Scribblers seem to have been the neutral-ish party, bent on a mission of world preservation however they saw fit, but not really bound by a lot of moral qualms while doing so -- such as paying a nasty (even more so than expected) indefinite servitude upon an obviously evil-behaving dragon like Calder
The only two times the Order of the Stick (as a group) had to deal with defeated bad guys they didn't want to kill, they also resorted to indefinite imprisonment.

Samantha and her father were left tied up in a forest, unable to defend themselves. It was understood they'd break out eventually, but how long it'd take was none of the Order's concern and the two bandits could easily have been found by an Owlbear or other hungry creatures before they'd manage.

Meanwhile, for the Linear Guild, the OotS decided to stick them in antimagic cells with no defined end to their imprisonment.

I fail to see how it's better than what the Order of the Scribble wanted to do with Calder.

I still feel like whatever promised uber-threat the IFCC has coming will probably force the OotS and Team Evil to team up briefly to defeat it, before having their climactic final battle, but that's just my speculation and I have no real evidence for it, just an expectation that nothing before the end will go conventionally.
If anythreat can get the Order and the Team to work together, it's the Snarl themselves, IMO.