Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
Vulcans are elves, Khan is an Aasimar
Vulcans as Elves is indisputable, they even have Dark Elf counterparts in the Romulan, but I don't know if I agree with the Khan as Aasimar connection, although I struggle to come up with a better one.

Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Samurai View Post
Across the way, a garish bunch sits at another table, well lit and front and center so that all who enter will take notice. Most are elves of one variety or another, and a tiefling, a dragonborn, a plasmoid, and ninjazombiepiraterobot. They make small talk and, while their faces wear smiles, for those that have mouths, there is little mirth to be found. "Look at them, so short and ugly. They're not cool, not like us." "Yeah, we have pointy ears, or horns, or scales." "Yeah, who would want to be them?" "Ugh, they must live miserable little lives, not like us, so amazing and cool." "Yeah, let's get out of this place and go somewhere with a little more selection in who it allows."

They get up, making as much noise as possible so everyone can see them as they leave, and don't leave a tip. The dwarves and half-orcs don't take notice, just as when the group had entered, so wrapped up they were in the things that really matter.
It is very funny to me that you chose to make this point in a narrative short story, because I struggle to imagine a more "making noise" way to make this argument short of breaking into verse.

I also think it's interesting that you've added Half-Orcs to the Dwarven side, since I don't think anyone's argued that they have the same problems. I'd actually say that their pointy ears, tusks and weird skin puts them firmly on the Elves and Tieflings side of the aisle here, and them tending towards the martial warrior classes means they're actually some of the biggest competition for Dwarves.