Leylek converses with the seagulls and these flock around him squeaking and looking at the crane sideways for a long minute while the crane squeaks and gestures for them to leave against all instinct. Eventually they settle on the ships' masts, mesmerized by Leylek but unable to leave food untouched...

That buys the fishers enough time to start unloading the boats.

Meanwhile Ahayla sits in trance with her lacquered tiles, she commutes with the spirits throwing the tiles six times and drawing the hexagrams in the ashes of the brazier as drawing in the air, when she is done she sees the Hexagram 24, the Return, and the message comes in verses. It's not a clear answer of who, as the oracles do not see in things past, but a vision of the present and the things to come:

Hexagram 24 - Return (Fu):
Within the veiled shadows, the samurai clan stands on the precipice, contemplating entry into the realm beyond. Like a river winding back to its source, consider a retreat. In the quiet return lies the strength to face the impending darkness.

Changing Lines:
6 at the beginning:
Before plunging into the abyss, purify intent. A distorted purpose attracts unseen malevolence. Step back, cleanse the spirit, and sharpen the blade of righteousness.

9 at the third place:
The gateway to shadows calls, but tread carefully. A strategic withdrawal preserves strength for the shadowed dance. Wisdom lies in the art of stepping back.

Advisory Message:
In the pursuit of hidden realms, cling to the essence of Bushido. True triumph rests in the convergence of spirit and blade. Retreat not as surrender but as a silent return to the core. As the moon waxes and wanes, let your actions mirror the rhythm. Be steadfast, yet supple, navigating the shadows with the clarity of a still pond reflecting the elusive moon.