Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
There is something for them to rebel against - Lolth is running a multiversal cult that is especially entrenched in a subterranean city in FR. Your Drow PC can be from there. But someone else's might not be, and thus be no more prone to a particular alignment than a dwarf is.
There is a slight caviot here, for FR at least.
Dwarves, Elves, human, etc are part of a regional community.

Drow tend to to be more insular, partially due to being subterranean, particularly due to their culture discouraging interaction with other groups.

Usual alignment plays into this a bit, Dwarves have a reputation of loyalty, which means they are more positively recieved by other communities and more likely to absorb cultural elements. Drow have a rep of treachery and raiding, so getting a foot in is harder, and so culture is less diverse.
There is also the effect of the response of the root culture:
-A Winged Elf worshiping a Gnomish god is an oddity
-A Drow worshipping Shar is on a hit list.

This is a jumping off point for more interest though:
Do you want your Dwarves to be like Krynn Mountain dwarves, isolated and insular? Emphasis on the reduced number of outliers can highlight this