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Thread: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg takes some time to enjoy the Spring privately - what sailor wouldn't enjoy a nice hot spring bath once in a while? Quietly he wonders if Seir Clel will involve himself in the battle to come.

    At the meeting, Ttharg is out of his formal robes, but still has the platinum scarf on hand. With the ceremony out of the way, he fashions it as a bandana around his head as opposed to a scarf around his neck (better for the heat). He adds what's he's discovered.

    "Completed that favour for the Clel family. We can count on their support. Also had chance to Scry on our Tortle lad. Aye, I saw Trionyx an' the fleet he be bringing with Captain Pthax. At least a dozen ships, flying the five-headed flag o' Tiamat. Worse though, is two undead dragons that circle with the fleet. Sad to say lads, but that'd mean the free peoples and dragons o' Cagway are no more - Trionyx and Pthax have either killed o' press-ganged 'em." Ttharg seems genuinely saddened by this. "They be taking on supplies now, but they'll be underway in a few short weeks. Aside from Pthax himself and Trionyx, seems like they picked up a new officer: a ruby Dragonborn lass, possibly a rogue, with the same equipment we saw that Orc rogue from the derrick usin'. I reckon the Orc teleported to Cagway where she was promptly captured or killed, then this lass got her stuff."

    "If ye need me to ask any further questions, I still have this scroll o' Commune. Maybe ye want me to ask about this Arcane business?" He suggests.
    Last edited by The Commander; 2024-03-05 at 10:25 AM.