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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Perth, West Australia

    Default Re: Swift ready spell abuse, is it RAW legal?

    In another interesting dysfunction, it arguably gets around a (FRCS) rune's standard action activation time, or possibly allows you to activate 3 runes simultaneously.

    Touching a rune triggers the rune in it, and triggering a rune deliberately is a standard action. Runes are themselves magic items, or at least can be scribed on mundane objects. This swift action makes three runes appear in your hand simultaneously, since runes can be on objects as small as ioun stones by RAW. So at the very least all 3 runes go off on touch at once when all 3 appear in your hand - you can hold 3 ioun stones in 1 hand - and ideally they all go off as a swift action since the Swift Ready spell gets you around the standard action activation time, since they activate on touch.