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Thread: Godot vs Unity

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Godot vs Unity

    As long as Unity doesn't do away with their current spyware approach to licensing, I'd say look for other engines. And there's basically only Godot and Unreal 5 left.

    Godot is a bit more barebones, but might be suited to 2D development better. While you absolutely can do that in UE5, it's (by heritage alone, if nothing else) more designed to do 3D. Althoigh Paper2D or waht it's called is now integrated in UE with v5, godot might still be better suited.

    Edit: It seems they rolled back (some?) of the licensing changes while I wasn't looking, so maybe unity is back on the menu.
    Editē: OK, it seems like it's a bit more complicated than that - you might want to appraise the licensing terms and their usability for yourself.
    Last edited by Whoracle; 2024-03-08 at 09:58 AM.