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Thread: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Denver CO

    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Cauda moves her hands over the controls of the tender, directing the tentacles in action. At the same time, the wings unfurl and it glides towards the edge of the cliff to provide cover. Triceratool scrambles off the deck as it does. You can see further beyond the edge of the cliff from here, but the flameharrow is still not visible, and all Nibum can do is ready an action to aim the ballista when he comes in view.

    Moments later, it does; it must have been hugging the cliff wall itself. You would have to be on the very edge to see it lurking. Nibum aims the ballista, and Cauda takes a steadying breath and reaches for the controls to fire--

    As the undead creature swoops upward into full view, it scans the battlefield; first picking out Fork hidden in the snow. It glides over to position the tender ship between itself and the ranger. Servius, its gemstone eyes see you on the ethereal plane and lock with yours, but it cannot reach you there. It turns its gaze finally to the tender. Touching one of the black stones that stud its skull, it summons a spirit, a shapeless thing of smoke and mist, which dives towards the tender and passes through the wall. "Kill the pilot," Dominus Veritas Veneficus calls after it. Then it drops back below the edge of the cliff.

    Nibum and Cauda are suddenly confronted by the shapeless thing; its gaze sweeps the tender, then locks onto Nibum, and suddenly it isn't shapeless at all. Suddenly what lurches towards you, Nibum, is one of the mindless undead of Castle Negniter; you know this isn't Lord Arrhenius, you know you freed his spirit, but the taunting, ghastly face is his, and it freezes your marrow.

    It claws at you twice with its ghastly hand, pawing ineffectually at your armor. It does no harm, but Nibum is trapped in the pilot's seat, unable to pass it.

    Cauda is unable to fire on the flameharrow as it moves out of view, so she turns her attention to the undead horror haunting the inside of the tender. She takes one of her Starry Forms, lights spreading on the inside of her hood in the constellation of the Archer. She draws an ethereal bow and fires bolts of radiant energy at the spirit.

    Spoiler: Summary
    Cauda uses an action to load the ballista and uses her bonus action for Steady Aim. Nibum moves the tender and readies an action to aim the ballista.

    The flameharrow moves above the cliff edge. His Perception spots Fork and he positions himself so the tender blocks Fork's line of sight. He casts Spirit of Death and summons a Spirit of Death, directing it at the tender and ordering it to kill the pilot. Then he moves back below the cliff edge.

    The Spirit of Death moves into the tender through the wall. It uses a bonus action to Haunt Nibum and attacks twice. Both attacks miss.

    Cauda uses a bonus action to take Starry Form: Archer and attacks the Spirit with a ranged spell attack, then casts Guiding Bolt. The Guiding Bolt misses but the ranged spell attack hits, doing 11 radiant damage.

    Nibum starts his turn within 10 feet of the Spirit of Death while it is Haunting him; he rolls a 5 on his Wisdom saving throw and is Frightened as a result. A frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight. The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear.

    Nibum +8 temp HP
    Servius +8 temp HP
    Ttharg +8 temp HP
    Fork +8 temp HP

    Cauda +5 temp hp

    Flameharrow - 18 dmg
    Spirit of Death - 11 dmg

    20 - Cauda
    15 - Fork
    12 - Ttharg
    10 - Servius
    8 - Nibum
    4 - Flameharrow
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-03-14 at 10:00 AM.