Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
If you want to quibble like that, people don't say he was assassinated, they say he was murdered. Ulfric walked up to him, announced his intention to kill him, and then did so. Really, if you take away the context of who the people are, its something you can do a dozen times in the Dark Brotherhood quests, up to allowing them to fight back if you feel like it. Torygg stood no chance against Ulfric, and Ulfric never intended to allow it to come to anything other than a fight. Torygg's acceptance speaks only of his personal character, not Ulfric's.
As a Brotherhood assassin, if you manage to convince your target to throw down and actually fight, and you aren't seen as the aggressor, then you don't get a bounty because its not a crime.

Oh yhea, the entire was staged. But it's still not a crime.

You are applying more real world morality than the reality we actually see on display. It is not a crime to kill someone when both belligerent are throwing down.