Sometimes, when I'm trying to come up with a build, I end up with too many competing build goals. I'll have a whole bunch of things I want to do in a build (and none of these are bad things), but when I try to put it all together, I realize that that the whole is less than the sum of its parts, or that some build goals are simply not compatible with other build goals. I think you have a similar problem.

Here's the list, as I understand it, of what you want for your character:

1) Human
2) Dodge, Mobility, and Combat Reflexes as feats. Elusive Target as your intended Level 6 feat.
3) A single longsword as your main weapon
4) A low STR, high DEX martial build
5) 1d6 sneak attack
6) A bunch of skill points at first level
7) Trapfinding as a skill

If I've missed anything in this list, I do apologize.

Now, I want to be clear: there are no bad build goals. What I would suggest, though, is looking over the list of what you want from the character, and see what aspects you won't change of the build, and what build goals you can accept changing to create the concept to help you end up with a character you're happy to play.