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Thread: Stacking extra attack

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Re: Stacking extra attack

    Quote Originally Posted by Theodoxus View Post
    That's pretty funny, I was just thinking the same thing. Like, advantage-lite. You don't roll both dice at the same time, but if you miss with the first attack, you can roll a second time. I do think 1/SR is a bit underpowered for the sacrifice of getting 5+ levels in a second martial class though.

    The other thing I was thinking instead of the modified advantage, would be to grant either +2 Damage or To Hit, chosen each time before the die is rolled.
    It's not 5+ levels for this 1 ability though. In fact if this is an option, it's 5+ levels for something else in particular and this is an alternative to what would be a dead level. Another variation would be an offensive version of Legendary Resistance, turn a miss in to a hit. It would probably work smoother that way anyways since you don't have an extra roll.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    I honestly feel this is the simplest approach, rerolling one attack per attack action per extra EA instance. You would need 5/5/5/5 before that becomes redundant, and you have nobody but yourself to blame by that point
    That's another idea. I was thinking a short rest limit, rather every attack, because it could get obnoxious with all the additional rolls. But that is certainly much closer to the power of 1 extra attack.
    Last edited by GeneralVryth; 2024-04-01 at 10:29 PM.