Gerald looking at her replies like he is used to saying it a bit in an instructional manner. First rations are always important to keep your strength up in the field you should always pack 2 times the number of rations per day you expect to be out in the field. You cannot afford to be weakened in any manner. I do not expect us to be gone longer than today. Preferably arriving back he pauses looking in the sky doing some mental calculations. Slightly after evening worse case. So, two days rations each should suffice. Four days' worth is the best choice in this manner. As safety is paramount on a rescue mission.
His words clearly having faith that they will still be alive and well.

Now for the powders. Demonsbane is a powder we common use to coat the bodies of the slain enemies. It renders their regeneration useless making it effective to be applied to a blade as well. It also guarantees that they stay dead. Weaker demons and devils can succumb to death just by breathing it in. Deathsbane helps kill or turn weaker undead away. For stronger undead it lowers their hardened skin making it easier to strike true. Its preferably used on weapons or applied directly on the undead. You can also sprinkle it on the ground and lure the undead over it. Making it easier for them to be inflicted by it. Pointing towards the next one *Mysterious 1* This is True Form. Very useful when dealing with creatures whose forms are intangible. Materializing their forms. As you saw yesterday, I had some applied with my blade. Sadly, it doesn't force the creature out of a possession. But does make it easier to kill. *Mysterious 2* Daybreak. If struck hard enough it makes a bright flash of light. Can turn away creatures, make a fire, even burn certain types of shadow creatures. Useful to closing veils in caves as well. As those are unnatural occurrences. The best part of it the more you use the stronger it is. If thrown into a fire it changes it to reflect the sun helping keep most creatures at bay. But can attract others. Pointing towards the last one. Looking at you unblinking. Straight up Blood Poison. If you use it on your blade or an open wound it contaminates the blood. We rarely use this one. It's useful on beast and giants. But it's also effective against us. Mainly used on arrow tips. It's a brutal substance. Any further questions? He asks patiently as you see him packing some rations in a bag with a handful of powders seeming to only take 3 of each. Even though the bag can hold alot more.