Prince Doredan
Human Martial Bard 6
AC: 14+0 HP: 40/39+5 thp: 6
PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
Extra Attack: Just a friendly reminder to myself
Accurate: Ignore up to 2 AC of targets from armor or natural armor (min. 10)
Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit or if hit while at 12 hit points or less (1/encounter)

The Mansion

The prince grimaces. It's not his first time, of course. The palace doctors would sometimes need to draw blood. But something about allowing sharp edges to intentionally bleed you is simply repulsive. "If necessary, I suppose. So long as the instruments are properly sterilized. And it can wait until I have had a relaxing soak in the tub - I would hate to bleed in the water and ruin it."