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    Titan in the Playground
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    Jan 2011
    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Dangerous Old Men & Women (5e, high level NPC combat testing) IC

    Hyra Forgeborn
    Hill Dwarf Forge Cleric
    AC: 24 HP: 112/102 (+10 Aid)
    PP: 17 PIv: 9 PIs: 17
    Conditions: Watcher's Will (Adv Int/Wis/Cha saves)
    Concentrating: Summon Celestial (6th)
    Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 2nd: 2/3 3rd: 2/3 4th: 0/3 5th: 1/2 6th: 0/1

    Swamped by smoke, Hyra's spells are limited - but she has enough to help keep them up and alive, hopefully. Blindly she taps Merry on the shoulder with another healing spell, before shifting around to get closer to Lanius - hopefully the rogue didn't know that he, at least, could 'see' in the smoke.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Action: Cure Wounds (2nd) Merry (2d8+3)[13]
    Move: K10

    Health: 50/50
    AC: 17
    Move: Fly back up, 20ft off the ground, FG10-11
    Action: Same deal as the last time. Attacking or readying.
    Attack 1: (1d20+9)[20] Disadv: 19+9=28 Damage: (2d6+8)[14]
    Attack 2: (1d20+9)[21] Disadv: 17+9=26 Damage: (2d6+8)[10]
    Attack 3: (1d20+9)[29] Disadv: 14+9=23 Damage: (2d6+8)[19]

    Spoiler: Celestial Stats

    Large celestial
    Armor Class: 11 + spell level + 2 (defender only)
    Hit Points: 40 (+10/spell level)
    Speed: 30 ft., fly 40 ft.
    16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
    Damage Resistances: radiant
    Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened
    Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
    Languages: Celestial, understands the languages you speak
    Challenge: —
    Proficiency Bonus: equals your bonus
    Multiattack. The celestial makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell’s level
    Radiant Bow (Avenger Only). Ranged Weapon Attack: +9, reach 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 2d6 + 2 + spell level radiant damage.
    Radiant Mace (Defender Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 + 3 + the spell’s level radiant damage, and the celestial can choose itself or another creature it can see within 10 feet of the target. The chosen creature gains 1d10 temporary hit points.
    Healing Touch (1/Day). The celestial touches another creature. The target magically regains hit points equal to 2d8 + the spell’s level.

    Last edited by Amnestic; 2024-04-05 at 01:01 PM.
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