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Thread: Lightning based blaster build?

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    LudicSavant's Avatar

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    Default Re: Lightning based blaster build?

    Another fun one: Lightning damage type Fire Shield with level 6 Tempest. Knocks people back 10 feet on every hit on you, good luck getting your full multi-attack routine off on an already hard-to-hurt target (since it's an armored wizard + gets great positioning options from Manifest Mind). Bonus points if you just stand at the exit of the Wall of Lightning or Evard's Lightning Tentacles and they get knocked back into it.
    Last edited by LudicSavant; 2024-04-08 at 01:57 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProsecutorGodot
    If statistics are the concern for game balance I can't think of a more worthwhile person for you to discuss it with, LudicSavant has provided this forum some of the single most useful tools in probability calculations and is a consistent source of sanity checking for this sort of thing.
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