Wighard is trying to avoid looking like he is in a sombre mood, but Regine's death has affected him. He wonders if he would have the strength to do that in a similar situation, especially as how all his instinct and training would be to employ every scrap of knowledge and power to cure himself and he is not sure that failing in that would leave him with the capacity to act so decisively.

Mostly though he is worried about how Beretelis is taking it, that afternoon together should have been good for him. Albeit its not really the sort of thing he can prescribe, nor is it the sort of thing he has experience of with his own relationships having never progressed to that level of intimacy.

He briefly thinks of Deanna and mumbles an apology If your name is in my mouth today I can only apologise

Kwolf picks up the riders before anyone else, though he is not that worried. They are mostly there to stop people and things getting out, not people getting in