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Thread: The Shield of the North [IC]

  1. - Top - End - #46
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: The Shield of the North [IC]


    AC:13 HP: 10/10
    PPer:13 PInv:14 PIst:9
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Hasgraek picks up his dagger. He takes a few steps toward the bird in the north sensing that the magic animating it wouldn't last much longer he launches his dagger and it dislodges a bone in the spine and it lands in a pile in front of aupti. He then heads south toward the last bone bird pickaxe leading slipping it up underneath its shoulder blades hooking it. He lifts it up into the air and slams it back down over his shoulder on the other side of himself away from the other two its bones splintering and scattering away. Is everyone ok? he says just before noticing the bleeding of Chad and instantly looks away. Clean yerself up lass dont want to attract any blood suckers. he goes and collects his things. Lets get up there. he puts distance between himself and Chad not looking at her attempting not to sense the blood. You don't heat any carefree belly laugh escape his lips at least for the time being.
    Last edited by zylodrizzt; 2024-04-12 at 07:47 PM.