Sabian Skellegue
Half-Orc Barbarian
AC: 21 HP: 41/41 HD: 4/4
PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
Raging: No
Reckless: No
Resistances: Cold, Fire, Necrotic
Conditions: --
Rages: 3/3

Sabian catches up with the others about how their watch went. He walks the outer village in front of the wall with those that have the time and inclination, and goes over the defenses of the village. If the priest is able to cast Continual Flame, he points out where in the outer village they should place torches so that the skeletons are not loosing arrows outside of their field of view.

Once in the tunnel, Sabian takes the lead, shield before him, and the group creeps down the shaftway. Chloe alerts them of a strange smell, and the potential for danger. She hands him an elixir and he nods in thanks, then mouths back "could be bats?"