R42T14: Vivino grits his teeth in frustration. "Shame you don't like water, you could really use a bath," he says as he mimics fanning a smell from his nose. Then with a careful approach, he tries to stumble away - catching a scimitar in his back hip for 3 mod - and stumbles his way off the edge. It is unexpected as he was feeling his way in the darkness. He tries to find a way to right himself, but flailing in the black and unbalanced in his rage as he is, he falls what seems like an eternity as Linzi's voice trails off above.

And with that, Vivino proved his mastery over his enemies in defining the house of his death, and not they.

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

HEROES: +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Avidexu: 26. (129:160). Kukri.
* Mage armor. Shield.
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution poison takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude saves and Constitution checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude save against the poison, whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.
Brown Garden Guardian: 16. (62:99).
Red Garden Guardian: 14.2. (12:99, 5 NL).
Vivino: 14. Mutagen in effect (accidental). RAGING!!! Make DC 17 Fort save each minute til R100T14, starting with R50T14.
Shield (3 min). See invisibility (66 min).
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength poison suffers a –2 penalty on Strength-based attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. He is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
Green Garden Guardian: 13.1. (31:99). Blue's scimitar (own was destroyed). CHARGED!!!
Linzi: 12. Light Crossbow (loaded). Wand of CMW. INSPIRE COURAGE (+2 competence attack & dmg). RS. ST: Brown (+1). Invisible.
* Antitoxin in system for 1 hour (+5 alchemical bonus vs. poison).
* Good hope (2 min).
* Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution poison takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude saves and Constitution checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude save against the poison, whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

Emperor Cobra (2). Roshgog.