Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
Ok, but if they knew that Palpatine was the bad guy the whole time, they would have just dealt with him directly, not bothered with competing for influence over Anakin. You're chastising them for doing badly in a race they hadn't signed up for in the first place.
I'm chastising them for their own goals. I know some of you have this odd belief that the Jedi Order did absolutely nothing wrong and everyone else is to blame for anything that went badly, but that isn't supported by the material. When I say the Jedi retreated from the galaxy and that created resentment towards them, that isn't me making it up, just like I'm not making it up when I say the Jedi Council knew about the clone troopers and chose to do nothing about it because they figured they'd just win the war before anything could happen. Despite Peelee accusing me of doing so, I'm not dumping headcanon in this thread and acting like it's real.

The Jedi Council made mistakes and some of those mistakes were ones Palpatine knew they'd make and was able to take advantage of. You say they did badly in a race they hadn't signed up for, except they did. They're the Jedi. Sith Lords are meant to be their speciality, if you'd believe Obi-Wan anyway. Just because they think they defeated the Sith a thousand years ago, it's no excuse for a lack of vigilance and this show - The Acolyte - has a very real chance of making the Jedi Council look even worse if it reveals they knew the Sith were still active centuries before Palpatine was even born.

Don't even get me started on the fact the Jedi apparently have star maps that accurately predict when and where Force sensitive children will be born and not only did they fail to pick up Palpatine they also failed to pick up Anakin too. The more we learn about how the Jedi Order operates the more incompetent they appear to be.