Quote Originally Posted by druid91 View Post
https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Great_War is the summary of the great war I'm largely going off of. It has a reference section for where you can find most of it in game. Though some of the lore for specific events is from another game called Elder Scrolls legends. But nothing super important. Just the whole bit about a 'nameless hero' wearing Titus Medes armor into battle at Red Ring Because Titus was injured in an assassination attempt.
The book that page is referencing specifically says "Although victorious, the Imperial armies were in no shape to continue the war" which sounds a bit worse than "bloodied" to me. Now, what it comes down to is how what forces remained throughout the Empire compared to what forces remained in the Dominion, but if that book is at least a little trustworthy it seems fair to say neither side was doing great (which does make it a reasonable time to negotiate, even if the outcome seems odd to me).