Biff smiles "Nah don't worry about it, it's been a while...and well, I'm a little nervous I think." he says chuckling, "I can't seem to recall, maybe the old man might know? I was in his unit for a while, but my memories of that time are....foggy at best" he answers and then as if it was done, he nods and then turns to look at his mech, which was finally completed, the giant blade on its back, two missile racks on it's shoulders, and a GMS standard issue Mech Assault rifle.

Walking up to it, it wasn't pretty, but it would do. He touched the frame tenderly, and then, suddenly, initiated the boarding protocols, the hatch at the top opening up with a hiss of pressure and the whir of servos. He climbed the frame using the outside handholds for pilots, and then slid down into the cockpit.

It was start, was his. He began to boot up systems, checking knobs and the startup protocols, his vision lit up, and he could see the whole cave suddenly.

"Mech online" his frame announced.