Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
That's bad logic, though. Which, no surprise because I've never accused the prequel trilogy of having good writing, but even if we accept that, they don't need to command the clones. They could work as a separate unit themselves without any clone involvement.
I am not sure that would have mattered, the Jedi still relied on republic intelligence and would still have had to be aligned with the clones for operations to avoid issues, so they likely would still have been somewhat under the control of Palpatine.

Request, not demand. But hey, fair point, Kenobi was a brand new Jedi. So it was Kenobi screwing up, then? We see that or are told that, yes? Or do we just see Anakin have fascistic ideation and go do mini-genocides while hiding all that from Kenobi?
For this I am not sure that blame is really a thing.
Take the clones for a moment - many of us over the years have likely made or seen comments relating to 'the Jedi should have investigated further and held them more at arms lenght while not simply discarding them'.
Anakin and the clones have a lot in common in this - the Sith had been missing for a thousand years then they were discovered outside the republic on the same exact planet where the Sith revealed themselves and who had revealed themselves immediately after Anakin (who had an abnormally high force potential) was found - it isn't unreasonable to think that the Sith were involved with Anakin and so that Anakin might be some sleeper agent/biological weapon/etc but it also isn't unreasonable to think that the Sith revealed themselves to retrieve Anakin for whatever plans they had.

A more experienced master might have suited Anakin better but a better trained Anakin might have just been more of a threat to the Jedi.