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Thread: Star Wars: The Acolyte official trailer

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Star Wars: The Acolyte official trailer

    Quote Originally Posted by warty goblin View Post
    It's quite possible to make an initial mistake, do everything afterwards as well as plausible, and still be absolutely sunk by that original error.
    And then you get blamed by all of the Monday Morning Quarterbacks. History is replete with examples, I'll not delve into them.

    ... canon is a silly idea and far too much weight gets put on what is essentially a marketing gimmick. No better proof of this exists than Rise of Skywalker, a 100% canon piece of purified dog turd only separated from Z grade fan fiction by IP law and a giant budget. Since I don't feel any particular reason to give Disney lawyers creative control of my thoughts because they cut a check, I can just ignore the whole dumb mess. It's a great way to live.
    Is anybody telling SW stories then going to give a dessicated donkey butt about the crap Disney has shoveled out in the last ten years? No. They're gonna take the characters and the basic concepts and run wild with them, because that's what people do with stories.
    A weird thing about the nerd approach to narrative is thinking the lore needs to be a carefully catelogued and tended and consistent thing for ongoing narrative to work, but this is just an accident of living in the only period of human history so silly and enthralled to capital to think stories should be owned.
    well played.

    Lore is just a byproduct of telling individual stories, and stories are always socially contingent things. What matters is the characters and how they can be recombined, rebuilt, reinterpreted and reused over time. As the social situation changes, the lore gets blurry and ultimately one is left with the reality of each text standing or failing on its own. Does Lancelot sleep with Guinevere? There's no canon "right" answer, only answers for particular Lancelots and Guineveres in particular stories.
    Julia Ormond was so darned beautiful in First Knight ... how could Richard Gere resist?
    Quote Originally Posted by pendell View Post
    What I will say is that I don't think the prequels are trying to show us the Jedi are stupid or incompetent. It is possible for people to be well-meaning, skilled, and yet completely out of their depth to face a particular threat.
    Yes. Good example offered.
    It doesn't help that one of the chief voices on the Council WAS over 800 y ears old and was a force for continuing tradition rather than innovation or change.
    Maybe, in ESB, Yoda died because he wanted to. Maybe he could no longer live with the shame, and he saw it happening again with Luke.
    Quote Originally Posted by ecarden View Post
    And the question is, I think was it an institutional/moral failure, or was it merely defeat?
    Why can't it be both?
    Last edited by KorvinStarmast; 2024-04-22 at 12:32 PM.
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    a. Malifice (paraphrased):
    Rulings are not 'House Rules.' Rulings are a DM doing what DMs are supposed to do.
    b. greenstone (paraphrased):
    Agency means that they {players} control their character's actions; you control the world's reactions to the character's actions.
    Gosh, 2D8HP, you are so very correct!
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