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    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2021

    Question Question about Frozen Wild Shape to Cryohydra

    I was wondering which of the hydra's abilities you get? I know you don't get Ex or Su, so no fast-heal or breath-weapon, but what about the ability to regrow heads up to twice the starting amount? Could a druid turn into a cryohydra, get a friend to chop off all their heads, then regrow up to 24 and get 24 bite attacks?

    To clarify, I’m talking about how the regrow head ability seems to just be part of the flavortext, not an Ex or Su ability. Even if it does work RAW I’ll probably rule for my table that it’s the same mechanism as the fast healing, which is Ex. Just want to know if it works RAW.
    Last edited by yeetusmcgeetus; 2024-04-22 at 06:06 PM.